Final Walk Throughs – How Important?

Most venues have a final walk-through with each bride. If they don’t, I would be concerned about how my wedding will go.

The Ellis Ranch does a final walk-through approximately two weeks prior to your wedding date. This is done to make sure everyone is on the same page and so we can customize your wedding just the way you always dreamed it to be.

We want to make one thing is very clear: final means final.

After a final walk-through, time is running out, so changes may not happen. We have had brides who come to their walk-through and then want to make numerous changes afterward. There will be no guarantee from the venue that the changes will happen the way you want. You have to understand, a venue has numerous employees that will be handling your wedding day: a set-up crew, bartenders, decorators, caters, etc.

Here is a list of items you should know or have with you when you meet with the venue for your walk-through.  Being organized is a must!  Bring a notepad and a checkbook for any final payments.

A final walk-through can take anywhere from one hour to an hour and a half. Please plan accordingly. It is very important that the bride, groom and coordinator (if you have one) attend this meeting. If you have anyone else who plays an important role in the wedding (mom, dad, etc.), they can come along also, but it’s not required

A Sample Walk-through Checklist 

 _______Wedding Date_____________Time___________

______Final count guest count____________________


______Western hat_________Top hat____________

______Set white chairs wedding park numbers__________

______Heart archway ___yes_____no_______where________________

______Round tables______White chairs______

___ ___Head table_____yes_____no______how many___chairs_____

______Cake table_______banquet_____round_____how many______

______Sign-in table ____yes_____no_____where___________________

______Gift table____yes____no_____where______________________

______Appetizer table_____yes________no_______where__________

______Refreshment table_____yes______no_____where

______Wagon table_____yes_____no______where_________________

______Unity table (you must bring in yourself and any linen for it)

______Catering line, banquet tables ___ how many______where________

______Time keg and liquor coming in? (3 hours before) ______________

I will be up one hour before the ceremony to help and put ice on whatever needs ice.

______Caterer: If they are doing themselves, remind to bring all extension;                                                                                     `                         they must use chafing dishes with sterno, coffee pot OK.

______Grooms last bachelor pad: Yes___________No________

______Set-up time for decorating is 10 a.m. All decorations come in at

time only. 9:50 p.m. last song and last drinks out by 11 p.m.

______Rehearsal is only for one hour! Must be scheduled ahead of time

and cannot interfere with another event. We are not there. Can’t

move any of the chairs.

______Shawn will not be at the rehearsal. If you want him to be, it will be

_____All pedals, confetti, decorations must be picked up and before

______Ellis Ranch doing clean up?______yes______no_______

______Linens: yes____________no______________

______Remind to have one committee member in the set-up the same

during the clean-up.

______Double check to see if all fees are paid.

______Using runner?  Need person to handle _______

______Coordinator for day of wedding _____________

______Using carriage______yes______no

______How is carriage coming in?

______All overhead screens or doors (if during winter) need to be down

all the time; only up for loading and unloading.

______All vendors must load in from north overhead door.  No

unloading or loading in wedding park.

______If you want signs for directions, you must make and set up.

______Choice City DJ_____Yes_____NO

______Bands will be asked to be turned down if necessary_______

______Call all vendors/rentals are right

______Do we have all signed vendors sheets in bride’s file?

______Who are your vendors?




Bartender:__Ellis Ranch_________________________________




Wedding Coordinator: ______________________________________


Ellis Ranch Event Center and Wedding Prks

2331 Ellis Ranch Lane – Loveland, Colorado 80538
